Himalayan Rush 2015 - 28th March 2015, Begnas Lake, Nepal

Himalayan Rush 2015 - 28th March 2015, Begnas Lake, Nepal


RRUNN™ is taking us places in 2015! We are so excited to be hydrating the 4th edition of the Himalayan Rush Triathlon. The event is one of the finest in South Asia's growing roster of competitive endurance events.

There can't be a better, or a more challenging backdrop than the majestic Annapurna range and Begnas lake for this celebration of human endurance. The beautiful Begnas lake will be site for the open swim, while the surrounding hills will be a part of the route for the running and cycling segments of the race.

Himalayan Rush is organized in association with the Nepal Triathlon Association to spur the growth of local talent in the triathlon sport, to support the endurance sport scene in the subcontinent, and to encourage a healthier and more active lifestyle among the local participants.

2015, which is the 4th edition of the race will see the highest number of registrations yet, including a fantastic set of global participants.

We hope that RRUNN™ will empower athletes to rise to the challenge of this course. Mind over matter, fear over courage, spirit above all else – see you at the Himalayan Rush Triathlon.

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