Meet that 2015 weight goal - Garcinia cambogia for weight loss
It's the time of the year for reflection and rejuvenation- to reassess one's life goals, to make new ones, and to make a fresh start on all fronts of one's life. We are all constantly striving to get into better shape, to fight the urges that draw us towards unhealthy food, and the temptation to skip another workout in lieu of relaxation. Obesity and overweight are reaching epidemic proportions globally- no wonder, losing weight and getting healthier are one of the most popular New Year resolutions across the world!
Since Unived is rooted in nature and in her powerful properties to heal, today we will be looking at a natural ingredient that has gained worldwide acceptance for its weight loss benefits – Garcinia cambogia, the fruit of a species native to Asia. The fruit, conventionally used as a condiment and a digestive aid, has been the subject of research in the past decade for its abilities to limit the production of fat in the body.
How Garcinia works for weight loss:
- The active ingredient in Garcinia is a compound found in the extract of the fruit rind, called Hydroxycitric Acid (HCA). HCA has been found to directly act on the fat synthesis mechanism of the body. HCP inhibits the action of ATP-citrate lyase, an enzyme essential to fatty acid synthesis. Thus, HCA helps to lower the production of fat and overall body fat content.
- Overeating, usually caused by stress and anxiety (also referred to as 'emotional eating'), is a major cause of obesity and being overweight. Overeating is associated with the brain's delay in signaling to the body that satiety has been achieved. HCA has been found to be successful in improving the signaling system between the body and the brain, and sending faster signals to the brain that enough food has been consumed and preventing overeating.
- Weakness is a side-effect commonly associated with weight loss, as crash diets and unwanted starvation leave the body craving for calories and energy. With Garcinia cambogia, the body's energy needs are met, as the ingredient promotes the use of fats for energy production in the form of heat, through a process called 'Thermogenesis'. Thus, fat burning is achieved, without compromising on the body's essential requirements.
In the age of fads and unhealthy diets, there are weight-loss supplements now available that utilize natural ingredients like Garcinia, to support the body in attaining sustainable weight loss and a healthy BMI. Remember, there is no 'miracle' way to achieve your dream weight. Ideal body weight is a combination of a balanced diet, regular exercise and sensible lifestyle choices.
For long-term results, try not to think of weight loss as 'quick fix' to be achieved by making short-term diet sacrifices or sporadic exercise. Instead, aim for a healthy weight and an overall state of wellness – which can be achieved by making a long term commitment to clean eating and an active lifestyle – with some help from nature along the way. Good luck with your resolutions!