Movember Spotlight - Men's sexual health
Happy #Movember, gentlemen! This is the month to focus on awareness of men's health issues and of course, to grow out those proud moustaches and beards.
While there is, rightly, a lot of pride taken in the glorious facial hair, it's important to shed some light on health issues that are not easy to talk about, and can cause a particular kind of anxiety and isolation. Studies estimate that 50% of Indian men over 40 experience erectile dysfunction. As a culture, we tend to suppress matters of sexual health under the rug. The conservative family structures make it difficult to share about one's sexual problems even with the spouse, or the doctor.
It's not just erectile dysfunction. Infertility because of low sperm count and low sperm motility is also rising amongst young couples, especially in the cities. Apart from hormonal, nutritional and spermatological causes, stress is a major contributing factor to low libido. With increasingly sedentary lifestyles, lack of exercise and growing work pressure, no wonder the sparks in the Indian bedroom are sputtering and dying out.
Rekindling the spark
1) Erectile dysfunction can result from the insufficient flow of blood from the heart. Interestingly, India also ranks high in incidences of male heart disease in India. Heart health clearly has a major role in maintaining sexual health in men. Get a heart check-up done and monitor your cholesterol levels. Incorporate cholesterol management products into your daily diet. Focus on lowering your LDL levels with a natural Statin. Make sure your daily workout includes a cardio routine.
2) Omega-3 fatty acids can increase blow flow and improve fertility. Food sources like avocados, olive oil and flax seeds can boost the levels of Omega-3 fatty acids in your body. An excellent way to meet your daily recommended intake is with a natural Omega-3 supplement. Unlike fish-oil-derived supplements, natural Omega-3 supplements made from fermented micro-algae, which are the primary source of Omega-3 fatty acids and yield purer Omega-3 DHA.
3) Quit smoking. It has been well-established that nothing good comes out of smoking. Puffing away on cigarettes has a drastic effect on sperm count, motility and erectile capabilities. Smoking has also been linked to more aggressive prostate cancer. There really is no way of sugarcoating this one - kick the butt today!
4) De-stress! In our modern lives, one has to make a conscious effort to de-stress and relax. Nothing kills intimacy faster between partners than stress. Go on a cycling date, or lounge in your favorite bookstore to revive your connection. Don't have time for a vacation? Take a day trip away from the city. Go on a beautiful winter trek. Go to a wine-tasting tour. There are endless avenues for a relaxing getaway.
5) For persistent infertility and low libido, look at natural therapeutic options. The market and the internet are flooded with synthetic drugs for erectile dysfunction; however, many of these are unsafe and come with other physical side effects. Long-term natural therapeutic options can boost your libido and also improve your sperm health. Also, 'therapy' does not have to mean 'tablets'. There are therapeutic options available in the form of natural teas with powerful phytochemical extracts.
So, here's to great sexual health, intimacy and togetherness! Happy Movember!