Omega-3 enriched salad recipe
Omega-3 DHA is rightfully one of the most popular nutrients out there, because of its wide-reaching benefits for brain, health, eye, immune and mental health. From maintaining heart health in adults to fostering brain development in kids, to easing depression in women – omega-3 DHA is a versatile nutrient that should be diligently incorporated into everyone's daily lifestyle to maintain good health.
When talking about the most omega-3 abundant dietary sources, the first thing that comes to most people's minds are fish. Oily fishes like salmon and fish oil supplements are the most prevalent ways of incorporating more omega-3 DHA into the diet. However, it is a misconception that fish are the primary and sole producers of omega-3 DHA.
In fact, the primary producers of omega-3 DHA are microalgae found in the oceans, which process sunlight to produce omega-3 fatty acids. These microalgae are consumed by fish, which are in turn consumed by humans to fulfill their omega-3 intake. However, the omega-3 DHA thus obtained from fish and fish-oil supplements is inferior to the omega-3 obtained directly from microalgae. The omega-3 from fish is also less bio-aavailable to humans, which means that our bodies cannot effectively absorb the nutrient from our marine friends.
Another popular misconception is that there are no plant-based sources of this nutrient found in nature. The truth is, there are several plant-based sources which are rich in omega-3 DHA, which should be assimilated in our diet on a regular basis.
Today, we bring you a quick, easy, and delicious omega-3 rich salad recipe. We hope that this serves as inspiration for you to explore healthier and cruelty-free ways of incorporating essential nutrients into your food.
Ingredients:- Tofu chunks (high in protein) - Olive oil (healthy source of fats) - Omega-3 rich foods
Blackberries- Walnuts - Crushed flaxseeds - Cut black beans
Simply toss these ingredients together, and sprinkle crushed flaxseeds on top to add an extra omega-3 kick and crunch. You can also add chopped chilies, peanuts and coriander for added flavor. A final dash of pepper, and your omega-3-rich salad is ready to be devoured!
Don't forget to top up your daily dose of omega-3s with a daily supplement. There are vegan omega-3 supplements now available that are fish-oil free, sourced directly from the primary source of omega-3 DHA – microalgae. Two capsules a day of a good omega-3 supplement, and a diet enriched with omega-3 foods should keep you in great stead.
By adding more plant-based ingredients to your diet, you are protected from ocean-borne contaminants found by fish. Not to mention, you are not just eating healthy – but also cruelty-free!
Now, it's your turn to fire up your imagination and come up with your own healthy recipes. Good luck!