PCOD / PCOS – Problems, Symptoms, Solutions

PCOD / PCOS – Problems, Symptoms, Solutions

Understanding PCOD / PCOS

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is not a disease but a syndrome which shows a set of medical signs and symptoms related to hormonal imbalance that can cause irregular periods, unwanted hair growth, acne, hair loss, weight gain and in some cases inability to conceive.

This polycystic ovaries syndrome affects 5-10% women of adolescent and reproductive age[1], but because we never almost talk about it, women suffering are often clueless about what it is and what to do about it and the disorder is widely misunderstood.

In PCOS [2]

  1. Excess androgen (male hormones) or/and
  2. Menstrual irregularities or/and
  3. The ovaries may also develop numerous small sacs of fluid called cysts and fail to regularly release eggs

PCOS is not curable but can be managed through lifestyle modification, which include exercise, diet, and nutrient supplementation therapy.

What happens inside your body in PCOS?

In PCOS, the hormone (Follicle Stimulating Hormone; FSH) responsible for maturation of the eggs in the ovaries, does its job and keeps maturing the follicles.

But the hormone (Luteinizing Hormone; LH) that is responsible for signaling the ovaries to release the matured egg by shooting up its levels remains higher throughout, thus there is no surge in LH levels and the egg is not released. That is why there are multiple fluid filled structures in the ovaries and excess of androgen production.

Because of this ovulation does not occur and periods are irregular. Girls with PCOS may ovulate occasionally or not at all, so periods may be too close together, or more commonly too far apart. Some girls may not get a period at all.

Common PCOS Symptoms[2,3]

PCOS manifests differently in different women you may experience one or all of the following symptoms

  • Menstrual disorder – you may have scanty periods, missed periods or no periods at all.
  • On diagnosis – presence of 12 or more follicles of diameter 2–9 mm or an ovarian volume of more than 10 mL in follicular phase.
  • Acne
  • Alopecia – progressive hair loss or thinning hair usually at the vertex with maintenance of the frontal hairline
  • Hirsutism – terminal hair on the face and/or body in a masculine pattern. It is the most common symptom.
  • Reproductive concerns/Anovulatory cycles – This means that your ovaries are unable to release eggs, with this comes infertility as well as problems of dysfunctional bleeding.
  • Obesity – not all women with PCOS are obese and not every obese woman has PCOS. But when present, obesity worsens PCOS by increasing insulin resistance and resulting in further elevation of male hormones, androgens and unbound testosterone.
  • Impaired glucose tolerance & diabetes – All women with PCOS are therefore at risk to develop impaired glucose tolerance and type 2 diabetes. In a recent study, impaired glucose tolerance was found in 31% of women of reproductive age, with PCOS and diabetes in 7.5%.

PCOS can increase your chances of developing metabolic syndromes in later life and during pregnancy; it increases chances of miscarriage, gestational diabetes and hypertension

What are Inositols and how do they help improve PCOS?

There are two inositols that are of importance in PCOS. Myo and D-Chiro-Inositol both are naturally present in the body in various tissues. The physiological ratio 40:1 of MI: DCI needs to be maintained for the body to function normally. However, this ratio is disturbed in condition of PCOS.

In the serum MI concentration is increased[4] – because the enzyme (epimerase) that converts MI to DCI is impaired due of insulin resistance, and there is insulin resistance because there is DCI deficiency – DCI deficiency occurs because the enzyme is impaired. This leads to excessive insulin rise.

On contrary, in the polycystic ovary, DCI concentration is increased – the systemic insulin resistance (hyperinsulinemia) accentuates enzyme (epimerase) activity, resulting in a higher DCI-to-MI ratio. This promotes excessive androgen production and reduces the efficiency of MI-mediated signaling of the ovaries by the hormone FSH.

Our first line of approach is to restore the inositol balance which will help with reducing insulin levels and insulin resistance, lowering androgen levels, lowering LH levels and LH/FSH ratio, increasing FSH sensitivity. All this together will result in regular menstrual cycles and reduced physical symptoms.

Unived PCOS Management & PCOS Fertility

PCOS can make you vulnerable to depression, anxiety and eating disorder. It doesn’t end there trying to live up to society’s expectations for a women, while battling a disorder that gives you all the symptoms that contradict those expectations, none of which is your fault, can seriously mess with your head, that is why we are here for your rescue.

We at Unived have two products for your PCOS needs which you can choose from. Both these products are researched based and both have unique ratios of the two inositols to meet different requirements. We use Caronositol® which is 100% natural plant-Based D-chiro-inositol, derived from the fruits of the Carob tree, a standardized and studied ingredient that has shown tremendous benefits in cases of PCOS.

PCOS Management

Since PCOS lacks cure and needs a lifelong management we realized that it needed to be safe and effective.

Unived’s PCOS Management supplement is formulated with the proven 40:1 ratio of Myo-inositol to D-chiro inositol, and also contains key supportive nutrients such as Alpha Lipoic Acid, Chromium picolinate, vitamin D3, Folate as L-5 Methyltetrahydrofolate and natural Calcium from Algae.

It is a product that will help regularize your menstrual cycles by lowering hormones that are at peak like LH, androgens and insulin, thus reducing LH/FSH ratio, insulin resistance and increasing FSH sensitivity. All this together will help manage the various symptoms of PCOS, improve hormonal imbalance and regularize your monthly cycles.

Unived PCOS Management Supplement Vegan

PCOS Fertility

While there is no such thing as risk-free pregnancy women with PCOS are at high risk of experiencing pregnancy related complications like miscarriages, still births or no conception for a long period.

Unived’s PCOS Fertility contains Myo-Inositol and Caronositol® plant-based natural D-chiro-inositol in a ratio 3.6:1. This ratio provides a higher concentration of DCI along with MI and has been scientifically studied to support fertility. It also contains a substantial dose of folate to lower homocysteine levels and support pregnancy.

It is a product that will help manage symptoms of PCOS by lowering the many features of the metabolic syndrome and help restore the physiological balance of MI and DCI which is impaired. Once the right balance is achieved in the systemic circulation and the ovaries the chances of fertility are higher. Ovulation in presence of higher DCI to maintain the MI/DCI balance naturally creates a more sustainable environment to hold pregnancy.

Conception is a very sensitive topic and may be affected by various factors. Our product does not guarantee pregnancy but helps to alleviate PCOS related factors that might be hindering pregnancy.

Unived PCOS Fertility Supplement Vegan

Which one should you pick?

If you are someone who is just looking for something that helps regularize your cycles and manage symptoms associated with PCOS, but at this age & stage in life you may not be very focused on trying to conceive, then we recommend our PCOS Management product for you.

If you are someone who is looking for all the above but is also trying to conceive, then we recommend our PCOS Fertility product for you.

Please note both these products will help lower symptoms and imbalances related to PCOS and regularize the menstrual cycle but the ratio used in our PCOS Fertility is scientifically studied to show greater support for pregnancy.

How Unived

Some tips for maintaining:
  • Healthy Lifestyle – You Are Not Alone
  1. Build a support group or join a PCOS community, it will help you find the support you need & will improve your emotional health. (@univedwomen)
  • Healthy Eating – Think Sustainable
  1. Opt for a balanced diet – not a FAD diet
  2. Cook your meals in a healthy way at home
  3. Drink water; not soda, juices or alcohol
  4. Choose high fibre grains and cereals like brown rice and oats
  5. Include beans, chickpeas, dals and lentils
  6. Try to include mostly vegetables, some protein, legumes and whole grains with each meal
  7. Don’t eat when you are emotionally stressed
  • Stay physically active – adopt an active leisure
  1. Do at least 30-45 minutes of moderate physical activity daily
  2. Exercising will give you more energy
  3. You will feel better emotionally
  4. Physical activity supports a regular menstrual cycle
  5. You will have better control of your weight
  6. Don’t overdo it – listen to your body

To know more about PCOD problems, PCOS symptoms, PCOS diagnosis, PCOS causes, PCOS Pregnancy, and more, stay connected with our social media on Instagram at @univedwomen


[1] Elif Günalan, et. al., “The effect of nutrient supplementation in the management of polycystic ovary syndrome-associated metabolic dysfunctions: A critical review”, the Turkish-German Gynecological Education and Research Foundation Assoc 2018; 19: 220-32.

[2] V. De Leo, et. al., “Genetic, hormonal and metabolic aspects of PCOS: an update”, De Leo et al. Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology (2016) 14:38.

[3] Enrico Carmina And Rogerio A. Lobo,“Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS): Arguably the Most Common Endocrinopathy Is Associated with Significant Morbidity in Women”, The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 1999 Vol. 84, No. 6.

[4] Kalra, Bharti et al., “The inositols and polycystic ovary syndrome”, Indian journal of endocrinology and metabolism vol. 20,5 (2016): 720-724.

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