Unived VeganMomy™ – Nutrition and Role of Ingredients
During pregnancy, nutrition is more important than ever. Women need more of the vital nutrients as the requirements increase during pregnancy. Making healthy food choices will help pregnant women achieve their daily nutritional requirements giving their baby quality nutrition for proper development.
Why do women have special nutrition needs when they are pregnant?
A woman's body undergoes many transformations during the nine months of pregnancy. The physical changes are dramatic and visible, like an expanding belly and weight gain, while internal changes include enlarged uterus, increased blood volume, new cell generation, and development and nourishment of the baby.
Every nutrient has its own function in the growth and development of the baby; therefore, optimum dosage of vitamins and minerals is important. The demand for protein also increases, as the cell development increases with each month.
Therefore, it is vital that the expecting mother consumes the adequate amount of nutrients for the development her baby, as well as, her own nutritional needs. If her and the baby’s nutritional needs are not met, the likelihood of nutrient deficiency is high.
Nutrient deficiency puts the baby at risk for malformation and other complications, while the mother will experience severe malnutrition.
When pregnant, women must insure the intake of the following nutrients –
In order to meet the increased demand of each nutrient, it is recommended that pregnant women take a prenatal vitamin. Food alone will not provide the expecting mother the necessary quantities of nutrients. While supplementing, it is important to remember that excess dosing of nutrients is unsafe and can be harmful. For example, very high levels of vitamin A in any form other than beta carotene can cause birth defects. [1] Hence, before consuming any prenatal multivitamin or supplement, women should consult their gynecologist.
Unived VeganMomy™ - A complete range of Multinutrient, DHA and Protein for Pregnant Women
Unived’s VeganMomy™ Pre/Postnatal supplement range is formulated to meet the daily nutritional needs of an expecting mother. We have designed the supplement range to support each developmental milestone during and post pregnancy. It provides the required and essential nutrients which are generally missed out in other brands formulations.
Unived’s VeganMomy™ Pre and Postnatal Range addresses the needs of expecting and lactating mother at each stage of her pregnancy – right from trimester 1 to postpartum.
VeganMomy™ Prenatal Multinutrient Trimester 1 is formulated to support the fetal development. It contains 20 vitamins and minerals in their most bioavailable form.
The Prenatal Multinutrient Trimester 2 & 3 is specially designed to support the fetal growth. It is formulated with 22 vitamins and minerals in their most bioavailable form.
The Postnatal Multinutrient provides 18 vitamins and minerals to support lactation and maternal recovery.
Women’s DHA provides the essential fatty acid, docosahexaenoic acid, to support the development of baby’s brain and eyes and support maternal mental health.
Pre-Postnatal Protein provides the essential nutrients – calcium, magnesium, phosphatidylcholine; also meets the increased needs of protein by providing plant-based pea protein.
Along with the correct supplementation, a pregnant woman must also maintain a healthy diet and an active lifestyle for the healthy development of the child.
- Bastos Maia S, et. al. 'Vitamin A and Pregnancy: A Narrative Review'. 2019 Mar 22;11(3):681. doi: 10.3390/nu11030681. PMID: 30909386; PMCID: PMC6470929.
- James A. Greenberg, et. al., “Folic Acid Supplementation and Pregnancy: More Than Just Neural Tube Defect Prevention”, Rev Obstet Gynecol. 2011;4(2):52-59 doi: 10.3909/riog0157
- Williamson, C.S. (2006), Nutrition in pregnancy. Nutrition Bulletin, 31: 28-59.
- Susan E Carlson, et. al., “DHA supplementation and pregnancy outcomes”, The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Volume 97, Issue 4, April 2013, Pages 808 815.
- Marie A Claudil, et al., “Maternal choline supplementation during the third trimester of pregnancy improves infant information processing speed: a randomized, double-blind, controlled feeding study”. The FASEB Journal, 32: 2172-2180.