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The French Paradox

In the world of nutritional mysteries, there exists a fascinating puzzle known as the French Paradox, the theory that was put forward in 1992. In 1992, Professor Renaud and de Lorgeril conducted a study based on the findings of the MONICA (MONItoring system for CArdiovascular disease) project. They observed that despite the French people's diet rich in saturated fats and similar risk factors to other populations, they had a relatively low incidence of coronary heart disease. This phenomenon was coined the 'French Paradox'. The authors hypothesized that the higher consumption of wine in France compared to most Western countries could potentially explain this paradox. Several decades after the introduction of the French Paradox, there remains significant interest within the scientific community. 

Meet Resveratrol, A Natural Wonder that has Scientists and Health Enthusiasts Buzzing with Excitement

Did you know that a compound found in grapes and red wine could potentially hold the key to a healthy life?

Resveratrol gained prominence in the early 1990s due to its association with the 'French Paradox'. Resveratrol, also known as 3,5,4'-trihydroxy-trans-stilbene, belongs to a group of polyphenols called stilbenes. This natural polyphenol has been identified in over 70 plant species, particularly in the skin and seeds of grapes. It is also present in small quantities in red wines and various foods. Resveratrol is a biologically active compound produced by plants in response to infection or stress. Resveratrol has garnered increasing scientific attention, leading to extensive research on its biological activity and numerous publications. But what makes resveratrol so captivating? In recent studies, resveratrol has demonstrated diverse biological activities and potential health benefits.

The multifaceted benefits of resveratrol 
  1. Powerful Antioxidant: Resveratrol acts as a potent antioxidant, combating free radicals that can cause damage to our cells and supporting overall cellular health. By neutralizing these unstable molecules, resveratrol helps reduce oxidative stress (3).
  2. Cardiovascular Support: Studies suggest that resveratrol may promote heart health through various mechanisms, including reducing the risk of heart disease, maintaining healthy cholesterol levels, enhancing endothelial function, reducing inflammation and oxidative stress in the cardiovascular system, and promoting vasodilation (3).
  3. Anti-Inflammatory Effects: Resveratrol exhibits anti-inflammatory properties by modulating different inflammatory pathways in the body. It helps reduce inflammatory markers, modulate the immune response, lower the risk of chronic inflammatory diseases, and protect against tissue damage caused by inflammation (3).
  4. Potential role in anticancer effect: Research has shown that resveratrol exhibits anticancer properties in laboratory settings by inhibiting the growth of cancer cells, inducing programmed cell death, and preventing the formation of new blood vessels that nourish tumors (4).
  5. Brain Health Support: Resveratrol shows promise in promoting brain health and protecting against neurodegenerative diseases. It may help reduce the formation of beta-amyloid plaques associated with Alzheimer's disease and mitigate oxidative stress and inflammation in the brain (5).
  6. Metabolic Health Benefits: Resveratrol has been investigated for its potential role in managing metabolic disorders such as obesity and diabetes. It helps regulate blood sugar levels, improve insulin sensitivity, contribute to weight management, and activate AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK), which plays a crucial role in energy balance and metabolism (6).
  7. Supports Healthy Aging: Resveratrol's ability to influence longevity pathways has attracted attention in the field of aging research. It exhibits antioxidant properties to counteract age-related oxidative stress, supports cellular health and longevity, supports mitochondrial function and energy production, and activates sirtuins (SIRT), a class of longevity-promoting proteins. SIRT1 activation enhances cellular and mitochondrial function (6).
  8. Skin and Eye Health: Some studies suggest that resveratrol may have positive effects on skin health by protecting against UV damage. It also supports eye health by protecting against age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and other ocular conditions. However, more research is needed to confirm these findings (7).

Bioavailability and forms of resveratrol

Naturally, resveratrol exists in both cis- and trans-isomeric forms. However, the trans-isomer is particularly intriguing due to its significant health benefits and higher bioavailability compared to the cis-form. Additionally, the trans-isomer is the predominant and more stable natural form.

Who should consider taking resveratrol supplement? 

  • Aging Individuals - Resveratrol's potential healthy-aging effects and its ability to support overall cellular health make it an appealing option for those concerned about the effects of aging. It may help counteract oxidative stress, maintain cellular integrity, and promote healthy ageing processes.
  • Individuals at Risk for Cardiovascular Diseases - Given resveratrol's potential cardiovascular benefits, individuals with a family history of heart disease or other risk factors may consider resveratrol as part of their heart health regimen.
  • Individuals with Inflammatory Conditions - Resveratrol's anti-inflammatory properties may provide relief for individuals with chronic inflammatory conditions such as arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease, or metabolic syndrome. It may help reduce inflammation.
  • Those Seeking Antioxidant Support - Individuals looking to enhance their antioxidant defense against oxidative stress may consider resveratrol to support overall cellular health. This can be particularly relevant for individuals with high exposure to environmental toxins, stress, or unhealthy lifestyle habits.

Incorporating resveratrol into your wellness regimen may support your overall health and well-being. By taking a holistic approach to your well-being and considering the potential benefits of resveratrol, you can embark on a journey toward improved longevity and aging.

Unived Trans Resveratrol - The French Paradox in a Bottle

The plant-derived compound resveratrol, particularly its active form known as trans-resveratrol, has garnered significant attention in recent times. It has been widely recognized for its powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, making it a valuable addition to the Unived range of supplements that can support healthy aging. Unived Trans-resveratrol uses a highly purified form of resveratrol “Trans-resveratrol” from grape skin that supports healthy cellular aging.

  1. Delmas, Dominique, et al. 'New highlights of resveratrol: A review of properties against ocular diseases.' International Journal of Molecular Sciences 22.3 (2021): 1295.
  2. Ramírez-Garza, Sonia L., et al. 'Health effects of resveratrol: Results from human intervention trials.' Nutrients 10.12 (2018): 1892.
  3. Salehi, Bahare, et al. 'Resveratrol: A double-edged sword in health benefits.' Biomedicines 6.3 (2018): 91.
  4. Ko, Jeong-Hyeon, et al. 'The role of resveratrol in cancer therapy.' International journal of molecular sciences 18.12 (2017): 2589.
  5. Cicero, Arrigo FG, Massimiliano Ruscica, and Maciej Banach. 'Resveratrol and cognitive decline: a clinician perspective.' Archives of Medical Science 15.4 (2019): 936-943.
  6. Pyo, In Soo, et al. 'Mechanisms of aging and the preventive effects of resveratrol on age-related diseases.' Molecules 25.20 (2020): 4649.
  7. Fragopoulou, Elizabeth, and Smaragdi Antonopoulou. 'The French paradox three decades later: Role of inflammation and thrombosis.' Clinica Chimica Acta 510 (2020): 160-169. 




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